Thursday, August 14, 2008

Merry go round

I observe. I always do and always have. I have been observing ever since I was little. I used to be quite and therefore noticed things about other people around me. no matter what phenomenon of life I looked into there were was always two extremes. I noticed a pattern about the way people were and the lives they had and it seems after walking this earth for more than two decades that this pattern is quite true with my life as well.
Life has a sort of combination of elements that seem almost preset. One path with everything already planted there for you. Hypothetically when a gardener plants his flowers or trees he would most often than not plant a set of the same kind of plants together. Reason being that they need the same soil, the same light intensity, the same heat and its better for most plants to be around other plants of the same kind. Like wise, I've noticed that life too, plants the same sort of people, places and even scenarios together and they all take place in turns but they belong to the same group. Whether, its a person from the opposite sex, a job, or the kind of people that you hang out with. they all end up having similar traits.

You think that one is different from the other, but one thing that I realized recently is you always stay the same. You are who you are and by being that way you would only attract the elements of life that suit your existence, so don't be so surprised if you keep meeting the same kind of person over and over again or if you leave one job only to find yourself in the same kind of job, or if you are sick of your friends and get yourself new one's only to years later realize that they are all the same. You can't change the world. You have to change yourself and the world will change with you. There's another part to this theory of mine which I will probably put down when the time comes.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Making sense!

They say observation is a good thing! For as long as I can remember I have observed. I have been able to find patterns in peoples lives and also reason out everything that happens in my life and everybody Else's. Usually, the phenomenons of life that really matter, and things that you would love to have almost always send its opposite your way a few times before it actually gets to you. I might be wrong but I strongly believe that problems do come in threes! There's one thing for sure there's always a calm before the storm. Sometimes this pattern is not significantly obvious but what happens to you once happens to you at least two more times when it actually matter. I might be wrong but its strange. It almost as if your life is accustomed to the same process over and over again. Take a simple example for instance; the kind of person that you get hooked with will most of the time be just like the others who have walked into your life previously. But if you haven't been in love more than twice then you'll just have to wait and see. Most often than not, you end up in the same situations in life not knowing and not realizing the disguises they come in.

I've realized now that there is no need to panic each time a difficult situation comes my way because some in the time gone by I would have gone though the same situation and when I think really hard I always find the answers I am looking for. But then what do you do when you are about to face a situation you know you have never been through before. Cos its nothing like anything that came before and its a whole new ball game on a completely different planet. There is of course that first time for everything! Imagine starting a game at the highest level. Life is sometimes like that, it throws the most difficult situation at you as if you were its comedy central. I have an idea of what could go dreadfully horribly wrong and sometimes I try to gather up all the energy for it. That First Time that you know is coming your way soon enough, the highest level in the game of life; how do you focus all your power and strength for when you know you are going to need it. When you have to face the world and yourself with only half of what you were and all your emotions?

Sunday, August 10, 2008

what lies beneath all..

You would think that after living for a almost a quarter century that you would have figured out a lot about life and and all its elements including the most important one Yourself! But even if you are 80 years old you would still not be able to achieve such greatness nearing your death. The only one true thing that you can know for sure is you will never know enough of yourself before you die.

Achieving objectives (little ones) which to us seem like big ones are always what we consider the mile stones in life. But once you actually get there, it isn't always what you think it'll be. Take your career instance; we always work towards a certain goal, thinking that when we have come to that point, when we have worked hard and reaped the fruits of our labour that it will be trouble free, cos that is what a dream are about. But how many times have you achieved what you really yearned for and gone on thinking years after, how happy and lucky you are to have gotten what you wished for? Well its true, life moves at such a fast space that you forget your dreamsin an instant and loose track of appreciating what YOU have achieved and how you did it. Before you know it a million other elements would have found their way into your life's equation and blind folded you to the present. Soon enough you would be striving for something else in the future. To me shear existence is like a "Supermarket Wipe out Contest" On TV. Its true when you are running down the isles in a rage you know what's going to be really expensive that you should put into your cart, but once you've gotten it, you are not going to be thinking of that one item for even one millionth of a second. You move on, following this new desire that just crept up before you. Growing up you would picture yourself being somewhere, in a job that you know you can be your best at, finding the perfect someone that you spent your entire life manufacturing in your head and then hallucinating the life after that.. But when you get to the checkout counter and the cashier says that your bill isn't high enough and you do not get to take all the stuff that you picked out. You feel like hell! But on thethe hand if you do get to take the stuff home in less than a few weeks when you are having that last tub of ice cream you probably wouldn't even remember where you got that from while unmercifully burying that spoon in to the ice cold tub. You would be contemplating a brand new kind of rat race for yourself to prove to yourself and the rest of rest of the world that you are Great.